The door of Shamaballah (the heart: the residence of God)

Blog to promote an interactive movement within the framework of the work of synthesis, presented in the Pangeosis site. The work of synthesis is conceived to release the collective conscience. It is based on the knowledge and the control of universal energy. It relates to each human being and its responsibility. It calls especially upon the leaders: policies, social, economic, professional, scientific, educational and medical and spiritual and religious.

The true spiritual guide leads its hosts until the top of the highest white mountain of light where the panoramic vision opens in all the directions, like a reflection of the universe. Many guides keep their followers in the refuges of the limits of their vision although they are only the steps of rising to the vision of the top.

from the instructor of the world

Friday, November 12, 2021

8-13 March 2024 The concrete course of the Earth's Great Transition (Quantum Jump)


Note on the corps of union of the Universe:

The energetic spiritual-material union of the human being is represented as a vehicle for uniting the soul of its various bodies, called Merkabah. It is constructed by the evolution of the consciousness of union in the form of two triangles or tori (3D) which progressively intersect one another as an effect of the integration of the material (or lower) energies of manifestation with the subtle and intelligent (or higher) energies of the mind. The Merkabah or body of glory is the ideal representation that represents the realization of the divine nature of the human being.

Each form or material system of the universe is also linked to a more or less simple or complex union body. The base is always formed by two opposing (polarized) energy movements, one linked to the source of the energies, the other to the direction of the overall evolution plan. Schematically this is represented in the form of a « X(iks) » which naturally evokes a concentration of energy in the form of two triangles which are connected together by a central neutral point of a certain vacuum. This critical point is the entry point for the potential of original energy in the transition from attraction to elevation. This corresponds from the point of view of multidimensional movements to the conjunction of two tori as the small image shows. In the upper torus there is a trinitarian direction (central and lateral light).

The astronomical situation at the beginning of March 2024:

In the astronomological study that we have done for the moment of the Great Transition of the Earth, we have found the situation around March 8 to 13 2O24 as we explained in an earlier text. It is in this period that the optimum construction of the double torus is presented with the triangular zones formed by the position of the planets in relation to the sun. The earth and the moon will then be isolated in the central area of attraction of the movement, opposite to the rest of the solar system. They would pass through the area near the X-center of the Merkabah of the solar system, formed at that time. This basic zone forms a kind of void (or black zone) because of the triple attraction caused in the upper torus or triangle. In this configuration, the earth will be located via the sun in front of the central line of the solar system elevation (direction Neptune and Great Attractor, via Kalki in Pegasus) and between the influence of the energies entering from the source of the universe via the Pleiades (Kali), Uranus and the energy which, not sublimated and integrated, is evacuated through the center of the Galaxy (Sgr A) thanks to a balance adjustment game between Pluto, Mars, Venus and Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn.

The moon would then be first in the area of attraction of the void around March 8, 2024 (new moon approach). Cut off from the balance of forces that determine its coherence, it would risk disintegrating (implosion) into 4 parts, representing the effect of the earth’s sense of evolution and the life it contains. A first moon could be called Arjuna (sacred, brilliant name), as a reflection of the evolution of the mental intelligence of the earth. The second moon could be called Kosha (cocotte, confidence vessel), a reflection of the bodies or layers of the soul of humanity and the third moon Maya (intense bee activity), evoking the physical body of the human being as a reflection of the illusion of any external form. The fourth part would be formed by the debris of moon chips scattered in a cloud of dust and causing darkness and at the same time a fire rain falling like meteorites, resembling stars, towards the earth. The implosion of the moon would destabilize the Earth’s axis, the South Pole of which would turn towards the GRAU point (the point of orientation in the Great Bear towards the polar star) and the Great Attractor (Omega point). The earth would gradually enter in the void, accentuated between 11 and 13 March by the implosion of the moon.

The intensity of the effects of this transition will depend on the preparation of humanity and the choice of sharing of each of its members in the spirit of world brotherhood, solidarity and unity of all peoples to face the upheavals of this transition in the greatest possible calm. It also depends on the precautions that will be taken by the officials at different levels of the organization of life and on the ability of scientists to foresee the most threatening changes for the whole preservation of life on earth. It’s a challenge both personal and collective!

The Merkabah of the heart.


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