The door of Shamaballah (the heart: the residence of God)

Blog to promote an interactive movement within the framework of the work of synthesis, presented in the Pangeosis site. The work of synthesis is conceived to release the collective conscience. It is based on the knowledge and the control of universal energy. It relates to each human being and its responsibility. It calls especially upon the leaders: policies, social, economic, professional, scientific, educational and medical and spiritual and religious.

The true spiritual guide leads its hosts until the top of the highest white mountain of light where the panoramic vision opens in all the directions, like a reflection of the universe. Many guides keep their followers in the refuges of the limits of their vision although they are only the steps of rising to the vision of the top.

from the instructor of the world

Thursday, September 3, 2015

World day of Peace, September 21, 2015

We invite all to unite you beyond your divisions, hostilities and opinions in your neighborhood, your village at any place (station, square, gardens, school...) to share your union in joy. The union is the basis of lasting peace.

Coincidence: it is the day of Saint Matthew (means God's gift). His mind focused like a hammer in Beethoven inspiring him the anthem of joy.

 Celebrate with ease, creative and accessible to all.
-Made eventually rounds singing (or playing instruments) the hymn on lyrics by Miguel Ríos (make  copies)
-Speak a short thought for peace in the world in this style:
' The light of peace, love and the power of the spirit of truth fill the triangle Paris-Madrid-Rome in the heart of Earth in which the new center of the human race is in forming according to the plan mentioned by the Great Invocation. That its realization affects the officials of the humanity to change their paradigms towards fair relations spreading over all the Earth.

-Share or treat something (remember, drink, eat...)

-Finish always embracing all according to possibility

A peaceful demonstration is thousand times more powerful than attacks of violence who threaten the tree centers. On Rome weighs even a serious threat as the Pope made imply. You'll find explanations on the triangle in another post of the blog (

A message about the plan of the planetary evolution mentioned by the Great Invocation will be disponible in 
the link page "messages" of this blog.

Good luck. That the day of peace becomes a manifestation of active participation of all! 

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