The will of the divine plan.
Already since the origins of human history there is evidence that the human being was guided by the spirit of light of more subtle plans. That appeared by beings known under various names such as: beings of light, masters of wisdom, older brothers, guides, Angels, or God himself. The last Decades this phenomenon is amplified and any kind of beings of light seem to be involved.
What is it?
According to
the cosmic divine plan, everything is unit forming a single body with the
potential of the great Single, Universal and Infinite Consciousness. She is
realizing by expressing at several levels of manifestation. The human being is a manifestation of the
energies of this Great Hierarchized Consciousness in a specific, single, dense
and basic physical form (such as the knee, part of the cosmic energies, focused
in the coccyx center of our body. The human being is like a hologram gifted of
the potential of the Cosmic Conscience.
We find a cosmic projection of the hierarchy on the level of the galaxy
in the Constellation of
Christ Aquarius.
Due to be
incarnated in a single form, we seem to be separated from the higher levels of
this consciousness. The conditioning of everyday life creates a veil or
vibrations that prevent "apparently" to unite us with these
dimensions. However, by the law of unity
of the creation, human beings cannot appear and live without staying connected.
He has therefore always the ability to connect "consciously" with
these levels of Higher Consciousness that corresponds to his (state of) Higher
Being. He can communicate with his divine, angelic, love, or wisdom aspects, or
his creative genius. Gradually, as the human being is able to integrate and
express these aspects, he fulfills his self and he will be recognized as a
master or as divine
The role of man is to transform the divine potential in nirvanic (Buddha) light of Consciousness, Love and
Wisdom, where resides his true nature, at the end it will be available to all
in the universe.
transformation ascends in the subtler planes of the universe, according to the
degree of power of love and wisdom that we
realize in the Cosmic Consciousness.
As goes this "ascension", the realizations "pass" in
the different levels that capture all the information appearing as the most
appropriate to their level of consciousness. The realization made
by a person, eventually recognized as a peacemaker, disciple, master or other
avatar can be recognized as a
realization of love-wisdom of the universe and His Great Consciousness,
known to humans as the entity (or state of being) of the Spirit of
The ascension
process is the effect of the work realized on the earth or on any other place
or level in the universe. It allows us to speak
of ascended masters, which does not
mean that the entity that was incarnated is fully realized. Also the Spirit of Christ-Buda continues fulfilling his
cosmic consciousness in concrete through the Incarnation in all of us. In more, the masters continue to reincarnate
to continue to rise, although they are not recognized or often do not recognize
themselves. This is because of the law of separation that keeps the
duality between the spirit world (the unique unit) and the world of matter (the
unique individual) and that masters themselves not have yet overcome this
duality, except the Spirit of Christ-Buddha. This
supreme state of consciousness is the state of the unique Son who was speaking
through Jesus.
Especially at this time, the Light of the
Spirit of Christ-Buddha returns forcefully in the planetary darkness to awake
more up this consciousness of duality following the plane of cosmic cycles. With
this return, we are excited to see what is beautiful, what is pure, what is
sacred, in brief: our nature, crystal divine. The
will of the plan is that we pass the conscience of individual separation
to enter in the higher reality of cosmic
consciousness, which nature is universal, holistic or unified.
The expression of
the collective consciousness still exists ephemerally on earth, especially in
some communities and associations with well-defined collective goal. The idea of nations and their federations is still rather a
matter of satisfaction to an administrative pragmatism than a real collective
consciousness that goes beyond personal interests. Especially the blind
weight of the mass of the collective unconsciousness rules the world and
invites to an individualistic division between rulers and ruled beings and
therefore to a "necessarily
confrontational" system. Even
"illuminated" or spiritual groups are no exception. Many of their ideas still fit into this system and often
reinforce them. In more, they are still face of
We cannot imagine that Christ's return
would not aim to rectify this situation
of duality and separation that blocks the evolution of mankind and the
development of fairer relationships.
The will of the divine plan is actually to move closer
the individual aspect of spiritual awakening of each individual, be it master
or disciple, with the "state of being the unique Son"
of the Cosmic Consciousness by, in and with all his achievements in the
This is because of
this objective that divine plan provided for the exteriorization of the
spiritual hierarchy as the union of the
creative potential of divine love-wisdom of human beings so that everyone can
access it. This is especially important
because of the large number of currently incarnated beings, representing all
levels of consciousness of the universe. It's a
real challenge for the planetary and cosmic destiny. Without this eschatological challenge, the humans cannot pass the material level of the earth to continue their ascension to
a spiritual, more adult world. Without freedom
of this challenge, he will remain, the masters included, in duality and
separation. The realization of this union is
the proper work of synthesis, the
science of synthesis and centers of synthesis and their networks, explained elsewhere.
This exteriorization is "put together" all levels of
manifestation with their full realized potential. This "union"
will liberate the creative potential
that is necessary to achieve the union of cosmic brotherhood. It goes beyond all division and separation of time and
space, thanks to the collective force and solidarity which is released by the
union between spirit and matter by the
consciousness of the union or synthesis. This
recognition by everyone, by "comparting (sharing), collaborating,
conviving (coexisting in conviviality) and communicating” in union who
shows solidarity, is the objective and the realization of the spiritual
hierarchy. The formation of a critical mass is
part of this process of awakening and union.
It is the only way that the duality between master and disciples will
disappear, that the spirit of equality, liberty, fraternity and solidarity will
become a reality of harmony and lasting peace. It‘s then that one will
respect each other. Everyone will have free
access to the different levels of
realization of the consciousness of the Unique Spirit Christ-Buddha through the
Christic state of the other, making part of oneself. It’s from the moment that man begin to accept this objective
and stop putting personal barriers or conditions related to specific objectives
or spiritual visions, religious or others, that the masters- disciples and the
disciples-masters can exteriorize themselves as the only body of the Living Christ-Buddha in the spiritual and
fraternal hierarchy of the universe.
The purpose of Christ's return is intimately linked to the
exteriorization, his constructive work in the respect and freedom of each,
being all united in serving the higher
good of all.
This return is not, at first instance, as the world
has projected in his collective unconsciousness a focus to one person, or
avatar instructor, as 2000 years ago. So if
someone says "Neigh, here is the Christ!": do not believe it, Jesus
The will of the plan is that the Supreme
Divine Spirit becomes visible and touchable in each one, that human beings get together with his true divine
nature. It’s
true that each will focus the potential of the light of the hierarchy according
to the grace accepted and integrated (the white quantum habit). It’s also true that those who will focus more than others
that Spirit, will be recognized as the
guides and that the focus of a guide-instructor
of the Spirit of Truth will be revealed as the coronation of a work that unites the hole humanity through
all the major energy centers of the planet. But
the advent of this revelation is in the hands of the humans. Recognition does not only depend on their application but
also for their efforts to want peace
through mutual harmonization to exit the conflicting world of duality and
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