The door of Shamaballah (the heart: the residence of God)

Blog to promote an interactive movement within the framework of the work of synthesis, presented in the Pangeosis site. The work of synthesis is conceived to release the collective conscience. It is based on the knowledge and the control of universal energy. It relates to each human being and its responsibility. It calls especially upon the leaders: policies, social, economic, professional, scientific, educational and medical and spiritual and religious.

The true spiritual guide leads its hosts until the top of the highest white mountain of light where the panoramic vision opens in all the directions, like a reflection of the universe. Many guides keep their followers in the refuges of the limits of their vision although they are only the steps of rising to the vision of the top.

from the instructor of the world

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

An essay on a scientific explanation of cosmic changes 1989-2024 by a novice in astrophysics and astronomy.

The experience of watching the sun absorb antimatter on January 5, 1989, intuitively inspired us that this was a logical process. We saw it as the local creation of a vacuum caused by a local deviation from ordinary space-time. These deviations may also occur locally and temporarily at several levels of the manifestation, for example on land. In this case they can generate (or go together with quantum perception) higher states of consciousness (such as the effect of the process of the rise of the Kundalini). This perception does not seem credible (fantasy) or unacceptable to a human being whose consciousness is captivated by the conditions of the 3D dimension who has not had the opportunity to experience higher states of consciousness.

The January 8, 2024 event was a clear signal to us that everything was going to change and lead to a critical moment, which we called the collapse of the earth. It would be the decisive moment for the collapse of the deep state order that dominates our world today. So we looked for this moment of collapse during the 35 years that followed to fall, after several corrections on the configuration of June 22-24, 2024. It would be as if the world stopped to start again in union with the evolution of the universe.

The view of the configuration of the solar system, shows especially around June 23, 2024, a significant isolation of the earth in relation to the other elements of the solar system. Together they form an exceptional geometric configuration. It would lead to a sharp sickle-shaped concentration of energy mass around the sun and earth, pointing towards the black hole in the center of the galaxy. The opposing forces generated could distort the heliosphere’s interior-exterior space and deflect its light rays. This could cause the gravitational force of the solar system to become less concentrated and create an imbalance locally (at earth level, given its position) between the cosmic light received and its mass in relation to the other elements of the solar system. A local shift in the Earth’s space-time line may be the result, reinforced temporarily by the attraction of the galaxy’s black hole. By entering a space-time (tunnel) line of more original and universal nature, more dark matter could be present because of the concentration of the planets. In return, it would create a vacuum around the earth with a concentration of antimatter causing collisions and corresponding annihilations of matter in the earth’s structure. It would be a kind of cleansing that would signify the zero moment of hope for a new cycle of light and higher consciousness.

Continuation of the 2024 collapse of the earth.

Until then, we had forgotten that the vibrational change of the earth, known as the quantum leap, of which the passage of the 3 days of darkness would be a part, is part of the development of the energy of synthesis. Hitherto we had looked too much at the moment of collapse and not enough at the context of harmonization and the fact of the necessity of the concordance of the divine and celestial mind with the human mind. That's why we tried to get scientific checks and advice, but without success. We then try to give an explanation on different levels according to the possibilities of our current knowledge.

 What is energy of synthesis?

It is the original energy of the potential for harmonization that unites the dimensions of the expression of the information of the Universal Intelligence according to its evolutionary purpose. It's comparable to a major IT update. It was therefore necessary to do some work of synthesis for the understanding of this quantum process which tends to perfect the relationships which can logically manifest themselves. 

So we went back to our research. Indeed, the period of the earth's isolation in the solar system that we had chosen for March 9-12 runs until the beginning of the summer of 2024. It is at this point that the earth would be more directly opposed to the energy of synthesis (see below). At the same time, the earth would be aligned with the black hole at the center of the galaxy. The strength of this alignment (opposition) would be at its maximum around June 23 in a context of very remarkable coincidences. The three days would then be between the day before, the day of the full moon of Christ (the moon of recognition (Gemini) of union beyond duality, a three-day moon that strengthens the relationship of the higher world of spirit with the collective spirit of humanity) and the day after, the day of St. John the Baptist (the day of the purifying fire that opens up to a life in a higher light). The pattern of these days seems to bear more resemblance to the absorption of antimatter on January 5, 1989.

Friday, November 12, 2021

8-13 March 2024 The concrete course of the Earth's Great Transition (Quantum Jump)


Note on the corps of union of the Universe:

The energetic spiritual-material union of the human being is represented as a vehicle for uniting the soul of its various bodies, called Merkabah. It is constructed by the evolution of the consciousness of union in the form of two triangles or tori (3D) which progressively intersect one another as an effect of the integration of the material (or lower) energies of manifestation with the subtle and intelligent (or higher) energies of the mind. The Merkabah or body of glory is the ideal representation that represents the realization of the divine nature of the human being.

Each form or material system of the universe is also linked to a more or less simple or complex union body. The base is always formed by two opposing (polarized) energy movements, one linked to the source of the energies, the other to the direction of the overall evolution plan. Schematically this is represented in the form of a « X(iks) » which naturally evokes a concentration of energy in the form of two triangles which are connected together by a central neutral point of a certain vacuum. This critical point is the entry point for the potential of original energy in the transition from attraction to elevation. This corresponds from the point of view of multidimensional movements to the conjunction of two tori as the small image shows. In the upper torus there is a trinitarian direction (central and lateral light).

The astronomical situation at the beginning of March 2024:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The quantum jump of the earth: the cosmic event of the Earth Ascension in 2024.


Towards the concrete collapse of the prophesied 3 days of darkness (according to the 3 plans that follow)

On January 5, 1989, at around 8 a.m. (local time of the Pyr.Or.) in the morning, we were witnessing what seemed to us the absorption of dark matter (antimatter?) by the sun in the form of 3 black strips that descended from the top of the sun towards its equator. The close position of the three major planets (Uranus/Neptune/Saturn) seemed revealing. We were seemingly in front of a cosmic window. We have described this phenomenon in the blog of Pangeosis. No one has made any comment to us on this. (

(Note: In this period we also had manifestations that seemed to come from the opening of the astral world and disturbed us a little).

Over time we have recognized these events as inspired by the Unifying Intelligence of the Spirit of the World teacher. He pushed us to develop a rapprochement between astrology and astronomy: the science of astronomology.

Conscious of the prospect of the vibratory changes of the earth, we have begun to do in-depth research to better understand the relationships between the material (natural, scientific, technical...) and spiritual (such as the world of potential, prophecies and information for consciousness) worlds. Thus was born the idea of the work of synthesis (putting all elements in the coherence of an evolutionary set) to obtain a more complete understanding of the best sense (or will) of the potential of the plan of evolution of life. So a map of the sky was born that more easily reveals the meaning of the evolution of the solar system and what it contains in his galactic context.

Several times we had to correct the results of our research. They taught us the differences in vibration between the spiritual world and material appearances and the difficulty of interpreting them correctly. In restarting and correcting tirelessly, we were increasingly driven to seek the points of rapprochement where space and potential of evolution (transition time) could be interchanged, that is, the moment when the tensions of the manifested world (0.001%) meet the potential of harmony of the no manifested world. Thus we rediscovered also the meanings of the flower of life, the Merkabah, the Cuboctahedron, the torus and the potential of their implications and finally the connection with the research of Nassim Haramein. At the same time, we were projected into the liberation of the memory of life beyond death.

Finding the correct representation of the solar system with a proportional projection of the planetary orbits on the celestial arch was not easy, especially not for the higher planets. But the base was a heliocentric representation of the solar system.

Plane 1 gives a proportional projection of the orbits of the lower planets (orange/Mercury; Yellow/ Venus; blue/earth and red/Mars) around the« supposedly » current place from the sun on its 25,800 year pléiadien cycle. Proportional projection of the orbits of the higher planets not being possible, so we opted for their projection on the celestial equator since their role seems to be mainly the adjustment of the solar system with its galactic environment. We have sought a situation as realistic as possible within our limited means and knowledge. Errors are therefore quite possible.

According to our research, since the summer solstice of this year 2021, humanity has been in a period that would lead it to the gate of rupture, of the adjustment and cyclical purification of the earth to its cosmic environment. We first interpreted the following 3 years as the 3 days of prophesied darkness. But this is apparently a period of preparation with intensification of excesses, tribulations and inconsistencies until the concrete collapse of these 3 prophesied days. It is therefore a break-up, a preparation and selection period towards the passage in a kind of tunnel (black) which, according to our research, is coming up for March 2024.

Our research has led to the finding that the gate of the ascent tunnel would open from the new moon of March 10, 2024 and that the passage could take place between 11-13 March 2024. Given the need for specific conditions of intelligent coincidences, the astronomological development has revealed the high probability of a concentrated and apparently exceptional transient situation due to the major contrast between the earth and the other elements of the solar system. In any case all kinds of strong signs should intensify to announce it (among other things a form of telluric tachycardia that will transit the entire planet at a given moment).

In concrete terms: by early march 2024, the earth would be increasingly isolated from the other planets and the sun, accentuated by the position of the new moon. The earth will face the elements that form a large triangle of accumulation of magnetic (gravitational) forces. Its vector forces, (which are concentrated in 3 zones around the sun), seem to form the loaded part of the « X » of a Cosmic Merkabah (union body) with the sun towards his tip and with the earth outside (//hara). The earth would be near the tip of the triangle of an opposite relative void created by the absence of planets on its side. The earth could also be situated as near the center between two tori which evoke the multidimensional situation of this synthesized representation and projected as on a mirror.

The plans 1 and 2 refer to the general situation and the plan 3 to the detail of the Merkabah center X. The positions of planets and some of their very tight alignments are quite exceptional in relation to the celestial arch. This time, the minor planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) seem to play a decisive role in relation to the major planets in the movement of the entry of the new energies from the source (alpha - direction Pleiades/Kali), their ascent (direction Pegasus/Kalki) towards the Great Attractor (omega) and the relation with the center of the galaxy (Sgr A) as indicated in Plan 1.

The situation would thus attract a kind of vacuum that would evolve according to the movement of the lower planets and the moon, forming a tunnel for three days (movement of 3 degrees relative to the sun). The earth could be cut off from the lunar forces. The tensions of the earth could then balance freely, possibly causing a rapid change of the magnetic axis and also of its axis of rotation (the north could tilt forwards (a few degrees (+7°?) and westwards (+16°?) or rotate (tilt east and south, 149-150°). The South Pole could finally be at -7° in the direction of the current North-West. What has always come to our mind through our work as a gardener and listening to the design of life’s evolution is that the earth’s climate would be more homogeneous around a general regime of subtropical character, which varies according to the place. This would make it easier for people to relate to each other (the challenge of the new world).


- There are several prophecies about this.

- There are concrete indications of significant changes in the axis of the earth in the past.  They have led to represent the constellation of the Lion (sphinx) in the opposite of the current situation (Dendérah/the sun between 2 lions; Montserrat: the opposition of the cadereta to the sphinx of Giza ...)

- We also see the possible disintegration of the moon (3 moons) because of its isolation (with crumbs that will fall like stars towards the earth (Apocalypse).

- The passage through the tunnel of darkness would have the effect of the movement of a prolonged solar eclipse.

It is therefore an intense moment when the earth would adjust with itself by releasing the tensions accumulated inside and outside in its physical, astral, mental and spiritual layers during the last solar cycle, caused among other things by human actions.

Although there are significant local changes, this could prevent major disasters, which we hope. Earth will benefit from some protection, thanks to its atmospheres (like astronauts in their spacesuits). However, many changes are to be expected (especially coastal?!) with a total change in the organi-zation of current life. There would therefore be important precautions to be taken, although these changes would spare those who have been positively sufficiently prepared for the spirit of the unity of life expressed in universal fraternity and the united solidarity of life at all possible levels of its expression. Thus the new earth in a new sky will be ready to enter the new solar cycle of abundance and peace.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Launch of a spiritual movement of solidarity to defeat humanity's viral infection

 "Light is always stronger than darkness"

Note: french text:

spanish texte:

Let us give ourselves a test of our faith and trust in life. Restoring the union between our bodies and spirits the creative potential of our soul is released and our consciousness is able to pass the enzyme of fears and doom.

The Covid virus is a challenge for humanity to reconnect with the universal energy of the sources of life and the transparency of truth. It calls for our inner and outer spiritual union so that its creative force of protection, purification and healing is transmitted to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons.

In particular:

We do three times a day 3 minutes (morning, noon, night) silence in order to open ourselves to the creative force of the universal energy.

Imagine the unified manifested and unmanifested universe of the world. It is represented as an infinite space-time with the light of all possibilities represented by the flower of life. All the elements of any manifestation are connected with it from its center forming circles (toroids - in the form of donuts) which, by their rotating movement, are interconnected and form a union. The unified universe is represented by the circles of the flower of life. Its petals indicate the different situations and levels of manifestation.

The following scheme gives a visualization of this union through the human heart.

The practice:

Let us open our spirit through our heart to the light of union of the universe that surrounds us like a toroid that by its rotating movement is interconnected with all centers (toroids) of light, manifested and not of the universe.

From our heart let us visualize our connection and union with all the centers of light of the universe. Let us accept that this light of union purifies, heals and protects our body, our family, our friends, our environment, country, continent, the whole world and all that it contains. We do without forcing in full confidence by simply following with our breath the intensity of their flow of love and wisdom that transmits us.

At last let us be aware that this practice, spread throughout the world, is creating around the whole planet a continuous chain of saving energy whose solidarity force of union will free everyone who allows it to be accepted.

To share with everyone who believes in life.

Light is always stronger than darknessLight is always stronger than darkness