The door of Shamaballah (the heart: the residence of God)

Blog to promote an interactive movement within the framework of the work of synthesis, presented in the Pangeosis site. The work of synthesis is conceived to release the collective conscience. It is based on the knowledge and the control of universal energy. It relates to each human being and its responsibility. It calls especially upon the leaders: policies, social, economic, professional, scientific, educational and medical and spiritual and religious.

The true spiritual guide leads its hosts until the top of the highest white mountain of light where the panoramic vision opens in all the directions, like a reflection of the universe. Many guides keep their followers in the refuges of the limits of their vision although they are only the steps of rising to the vision of the top.

from the instructor of the world

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The will of the divine plan

The will of the divine plan conform on the Gran Invocation

The King said to his servers: “So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find" (Matthew,  22,9)
"All are called, those which accept are elected."
This is the contents of the exteriorization of the spiritual hierarchy
clic for enlarge


The exteriorization of the spiritual hierarchy explained.

 The will of the divine plan.

Already since the origins of human history there is evidence that the human being was guided by the spirit of light of more subtle plans. That appeared by beings known under various names such as: beings of light, masters of wisdom, older brothers, guides, Angels, or God himself. The last Decades this phenomenon is amplified and any kind of beings of light seem to be involved.

What is it?

According to the cosmic divine plan, everything is unit forming a single body with the potential of the great Single, Universal and Infinite Consciousness. She is realizing by expressing at several levels of manifestation.  The human being is a manifestation of the energies of this Great Hierarchized Consciousness in a specific, single, dense and basic physical form (such as the knee, part of the cosmic energies, focused in the coccyx center of our body. The human being is like a hologram gifted of the potential of the Cosmic Conscience.  We find a cosmic projection of the hierarchy on the level of the galaxy in the Constellation of Christ Aquarius.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The exteriorization of the planetary spiritual hierarchy in the framework of the return of Christ-Bouddha, the Instructor Spirit of the world

                                                                 A planetary call

The time has come to launch the exteriorization of the spiritual hierarchy of the world, according to the plan. '

The Divine plan objective

To manifest a synthesis of the potential of love, wisdom and active intelligence of incarnate and non-incarnate light beings. The plan is to manifest, in a concrete way, an active service of solidarity and fraternity of more advanced and more experienced brothers, with their less experienced brothers. In fact, all the world is part of this. Even though one calls the more advanced beings masters of wisdom, on the world plan, these are guides, more or less advanced and experienced, who have to , all the same, continue' ad infinitum'  to learn, as all masters are also disciples and 'vice versa.


Monday, February 27, 2012

First convivience of the guides and persons in charge for a new world.

The goal
 a meeting between guides and all the people who feel responsible for the change for our world towards a better world.


Between the 15 and July 28, 2012 close to Siena in Italy (Tuscan), Serre di Rapolano, in the  heartchakra of the earth, place known under the name:  the living Rock (Sasso), symbol of the soul.

It is a place to discover a new life style by the practical teaching of convivience. It is a center of realization of “the universal school of the life “and the universal movement for the convergence of the planetary conscience” pangeosis. “
Forfait of participation for a week (7j): 210€ (lunch + rooms of 2 people or more).
Inscription and informations: send mail
